Laephotis capensis (bat)
Variant names: Eptesicus capensis

Mass: 4.2 g based on McLellan 1986 and Fenton and Thomas 1980

Diet: insectivore based on Fenton et al. 1977

Abundance: 1.41 to 11.93% (median 10.19%)

Latitudinal range: -25.0° to 6.0°

Habitats: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (1), tropical/subtropical savanna (4)

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Found in 5 samples

Ghana: Shai Hills North

South Africa: Sabie River (riverine)

Tanzania: Kazimzumbwi

Zimbabwe: Mana area (intact), Mana area (impacted)

Size measurements:
♀ body mass4.0 gN = 4McLellan 1986
♂ body mass5 gN = 1Fenton and Thomas 1980

See also Laephotis, Laephotis wintoni