Bossematié Forest (selective cleaning)
Basic information
Sample name: Bossematié Forest (selective cleaning)
Reference: M. Waltert. 2000. Forest management and the distribution of understorey birds in the Bossematié Forest, eastern Ivory Coast. Ostrich 71(1 & 2):295-299 [ER 2743]
Country: Ivory Coast
Coordinate: 6° 35' N, 3° 35' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text
Geography comments: "about 40 km south of Abengourou"
Habitat: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest
Altered habitat: secondary forest
Substrate: ground surface
Disturbance: selective logging
MAP: 1329.0
Habitat comments: "moist semideciduous forest... subject to uncontrolled and intensive logging through 1988. It has now a widely broken upper canopy... Since 1990" a "rehabilitation programme" has been carried out
"surrounding lianas" and "secondary tree species hindering the growth of selected future trees" were cut in this plot, and this "selective cleaning" was carried out "three years before the start of the study"
"surrounding lianas" and "secondary tree species hindering the growth of selected future trees" were cut in this plot, and this "selective cleaning" was carried out "three years before the start of the study"
Life forms: birds
Sampling methods: line transect,mist nets
Sample size: 416 captures or sightings
Years: 1996
Days: 100
Nets or traps: 17
Net or trap nights: 1700
Sampling comments: "Mist nets were used" in "February-March and September-October 1996. Seventeen mist-nets (6 m long, 19 mm mesh) were connected to a produce a 102 m-long mist-net line. Mist-netting took place between 15h00 and 18h00 on the first day and between 06h00 and 13h00 on the second day at each place" so there was effectively one day of work per site; "Nets were [then] moved to a new site 100 m further along the trail"
there were five transects each 1 km long, so there were 50 sites per treatment per visit and therefore 100 days of netting
the total number of "metre-net-hours" between the two treatments and two periods was 33,099, which does not square with the above figures, suggesting either that some trails were visited more than once or that there was a math error
counts are of captures
there were five transects each 1 km long, so there were 50 sites per treatment per visit and therefore 100 days of netting
the total number of "metre-net-hours" between the two treatments and two periods was 33,099, which does not square with the above figures, suggesting either that some trails were visited more than once or that there was a math error
counts are of captures
Sample number: 2914
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2018-04-24 20:56:10
Modified: 2018-04-24 10:56:10
Abundance distribution
39 species
10 singletons
total count 416
geometric series index: 67.8
Fisher's α: 10.539
geometric series k: 0.8967
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9159
Shannon's H: 2.8525
Good's u: 0.9760
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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