Basic information
Sample name: UMMP SC-67

Reference: P. D. Gingerich. 1989. New earliest Wasatchian mammalian fauna from the Eocene of northwestern Wyoming: composition and diversity in a rarely sampled high-floodplain assemblage. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology 28:1-97 [ER 4106]
Country: United States

State: Wyoming

County: Park

Coordinate: 44.77° N, -108.88° W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Scale: outcrop

Formation: Willwood

Time interval: Early Eocene

Zone: Wasatchian

Ma: 56

Age basis: other

Geography comments: "at the south end of Polecat Bench (Fig. 4), in the southwestern part of the NW1/4, NE1/4, Section 10, Township 55 North, Range 100 West"
at the 1520 m level in the Clarks Fork Basin section
just barely above the Palaeocene-Eocene boundary (age assignment based on the ICS 2003 scale)

Lithology: mudstone

Taphonomic context: overbank deposit,paleosol

Habitat comments: "The unit appears to represent unusually slow sediment accumulation and a long period of subaerial exposure" and is interpreted as a distal floodplain paleosol
the sediments are "sharply weathering red and purple mudstones and white sandstones... The fossiliferous interval is in a complex of red and gray mudstones about 15-20 m thick"

Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals,birds,lizards,turtles,other reptiles,fishes,snails

Sample size: 310 specimens

Years: 1976, 1984, 1986

Museum: UMMP

Sampling comments: see p. 4 for history of collecting: there were "eleven summers" of collecting but only three are specified
"Most fossils were found on the surface... Screen washing of approximately one ton of a white sandstone... yielded a few teeth"
5 specimens of Celtis phenucodorum are also tabulated

Sample number: 4534

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Modifier no: John Alroy

Created: 2024-12-02 04:33:29

Modified: 2024-12-06 22:58:54

Abundance distribution
47 species
19 singletons
total count 310
geometric series index: 98.6
Fisher's α: 15.409
geometric series k: 0.9159
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9279
Shannon's H: 3.1191
Good's u: 0.9388
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Pleuroceridae indet.5
Holospira sp.1
Lepisosteus sp.24
Amia sp.1
Plastomenus sp.4
Echmatemys sp.2
Melanosaurus maximus8
Allognathosuchus sp.1
Leidyosuchus sp.7
Aves indet.1
Ectypodus tardus3
Mimoperadectes labrus1
Niptomomys sp.1
cf.: presumably sensu Gunnell (1989)
Arctodontomys wilsoni1
Phenacolemurinae indet.1
"Phenacolemur praecox"
Cantius torresi5
Esthonyx spatularius1
Azygonyx gunnelli = †Esthonyx gunnelli5
Esthonyx sp.1
"Azygonyx sp."
Coryphodon eocaenus10
Uhen and Gingerich (1995): "Coryphodon sp."
Ectoganus bighornensis10
Dipsalidictis platypus6
Palaeonictis sp.1
Acarictis ryani2
Prototomus deimos3
Arfia junnei15
Prolimnocyon eerius1
Viverravus acutus1
Polly (1997): "Viverravus bowni"
Viverravus politus1
confirmed by Polly (1997)
Didymictis proteus12
Polly (1997): "Didymictis leptomylus"
Miacis winkleri1
Acritoparamys atavus1
Acritoparamys atwateri6
Paramys taurus7
Chriacus badgleyi2
Princetonia yalensis1
Dissacus praenuntius4
Hyopsodus loomisi31
Ectocion parvus57
Ectocion osbornianus1
Phenacodus vortmani7
Thewissen (1990): "Phenacodus cf. intermedius"
Copecion davisi26
described by Thewissen (1990)
Diacodexis ilicis4
Hyracotherium sandrae20
Hyracotherium grangeri3
Palaeanodon nievelti3
Asiabradypus sp.1