Cymothoe coccinata (butterfly)
Abundance: 0.13 to 1.46% (median 0.65%)
Latitudinal range: 5.4° to 8.5°Habitats: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (3) only
Found in 3 samples
Cameroon: Kwende Hills (secondary forest), Kwende Hills (cocoa/coffee plots)
Sierra Leone: Freetown (garden, baited trap)
See also Cymothoe, Cymothoe altisidora, Cymothoe amenides, Cymothoe aubergeri, Cymothoe beckeri, Cymothoe caenis, Cymothoe capella, Cymothoe ceanis, Cymothoe druryi, Cymothoe egesta, Cymothoe euthalioides, Cymothoe excelsa, Cymothoe fumana, Cymothoe gesta, Cymothoe herminia, Cymothoe hobarti, Cymothoe hypatha, Cymothoe indamora, Cymothoe lurida, Cymothoe mabillei, Cymothoe oemilius, Cymothoe reinholdi, Cymothoe sangaris