Download request form
You can also download size measurements separately.
Life forms:

Must all categories be present?

Taxonomic level:

Genus or species name:


Southern limit: °
Northern limit: °
Western limit: °
Eastern limit: °
Exclude small oceanic islands?
General habitats:
forest savanna/grassland/woodland
desert/shrubland mangrove/wetland aquatic
Altered habitats:
fragment inhabited area cropland pasture
plantation clearcut disturbed forest
secondary forest combined unaltered uncheck all
Included sampling methods:
Excluded sampling methods:
Examples: baited pitfall, butterfly, cage, drift fences, Elliott, harp, Havahart, light, mist, pitfall, Sherman, sieves, snap, sweep, Tomahawk, UV light, Winkler
Counts are of

Minimum number of species per sample:

Minimum number of individuals per sample:

Minimum for computing abundances:

Maximum number of individuals per sample:

Minimum frequency distribution coverage (u):

Minimum diameter at breast height: cm
Values within 10% will match (e.g., 10 cm matches anything from 9.09 to 11 cm).

How should duplicate samples be handled?
Duplicates have the same reference number; equal area coordinate (1 or 0.1 degrees across); habitat; altered habitat; and disturbance category.

Include specifically indeterminate records?

String formatting: